Great article and I completely agree with you. I recommend reading "Borderline: The Biography of a Personality Disorder" by Alexander Kriss. He traces Freud's diagnosis of hysteria and how it was trans muted into BPD for women and NPD for men. Statistically, 75% of people who suffer from BPD are female; 75% of people diagnosed with NPD are male. The fact is that our society has a very narrow bandwidth of "acceptable" behavior - behavior that doesn't get in the way of anyone being a productive capitalist. In particular our society doesn't appreciate sad men or angry women. Also, I believe Brie Larson wrote a fascinating op-ed in The NY Times a few years ago regarding shoving females into essentially male narrative structures written by men. My article, to which you responded, was written tongue-in-cheek and I'm truly sorry that it offended anyone. Wittgenstein, I believe, said that the history of philosophy could be written as a series of jokes. Even my book "How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You're An Adult" has a wry tone (and an obviously ironic title). I guess what I've learned from posting this article is that BPD is not a joking matter for those who suffer from it. I'll be more careful with my tone next time. Bravo on your article - I regret using Fatal Attraction as an analogue to distinguish between poor impulse control and BPD.